Visualization Blog

Ideas, Papers and Thoughts on the field of Visualization

Archive for June 4th, 2007

Some interesting visualization sites

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1. Researchers at IBM Research in Cambridge, MA have developed an excellent online tool to facilitate easy visualization of data. One can upload their data and experiment with different visualization techniques that are built into the system.

The site is called Many Eyes and here is the link to it

2. One of my all time favorite visualization sites has been Its such an easy to use site with interesting visualizations from diverse fields ranging from biology, business networks, world wide web and so on. They also have a great feature that allows you to look at visualizations that are similar to one another from various fields. On clicking on the “Method” tab at the top, one can pick from one of many different techniques such as radial convergence, arc diagrams, trees and so on.

3. Dr. Ben Shneiderman’s “Information Visualization” class assembles a Vis4All
page that has links to interesting visualizations that were found by his students. Its always interesting to find something like treemaps being used successfully for another new application or some company using graph layouts to facilitate easy navigation for customers on their website.

We need many more such amazing endeavors to help other fields with the power of visualization.

Written by alark

June 4, 2007 at 12:11 am

Posted in Uncategorized